Solar PV system installation for a commercial client, helping them to reduce their carbon footprint, plus save money.

Solar energy generates tremendous benefits for you and the planet. We utilise the latest solar advancements that will not only help you save money, but will contribute to reducing your carbon footprint. Our goal is to make the solar process feel simple and easy, from the proposal to the installation and throughout the lifecycle of your system. Contact us today for a Free Quote on 0333 207 4227

Feed It Green LTD is 11! 🥳 We’d like to thank all our customers for their support. We look forward to a future of making the world a cleaner, greener place.

A recent commercial solar project, helping our client to become more sustainable by utilising the 82,865 kWh of generated electricity.

Pigeon droppings have high acidity, and they can cause corrosion and structural damage. It’s best practice to pigeon proof your solar panels before the problem arises. If left untreated, pests in panels can cause disruption to the function of your solar panels, not to mention make a big mess!

Why should I bird proof my Solar Panels? As the pigeons will no longer be able to access a safe home underneath your Solar Panels, they will be forced to look elsewhere. Therefore, Bird proofing your solar panels is the perfect solution, and it is also permanent.

Do I need Scaffold to have bird control installed? Yes, Feed It Green would never install bird control unless a scaffold has been erected at the property. This will be costed into your quote.

What brand of bird control? Feed It Green recommend and install Van Der Valk: The Bird Blocker

The best place to install solar panels is on the south-facing section of an unshaded roof. This gives the panels the best environment in which to generate electricity. Other orientations (having the panels facing a different direction) of solar panels will still work, and contrary to popular belief you don’t need constant sunshine beating down on them. But for best results, a sunny south-facing roof is the best place to install solar panels.

Why do solar panels work best when facing south? Well, in the UK, south-facing gardens get more hours of direct sunlight than those that face other directions. When sunlight (or daylight) hits the solar panels, it stimulates photons inside them, whose movement leads to the generation of electricity. So, the more light that hits the panels, the more energy they can make.

The best place to install solar panels should also be a location free of shade, for example that are cast by overhanging trees. Large shadows covering your panels will inhibit their ability to produce electricity from light.

A great way to prevent birds from causing problems for your solar panel is to install netting, ‘bird control’.

When you have your solar panels installed, you can install mesh, netting or wire strips that stop birds from getting underneath your solar panels. These also help prevent environmental ‘hazards’ like twigs accumulating around your panels. Bird protection is available through Feed It green for a fixed additional cost, and it is worth discussing with your friendly installer as part of your on-site survey.

Solar energy has become increasingly popular over the last 25 years, due to government incentives, increasingly affordable technology, growing consumer awareness, and the boom in personal ecological responsibility. All-together, the quest to build sustainable futures is an increasingly popular one and one that we at Feed It Green are proud to support.

Advantages of solar energy

Less reliance on fossil fuels: While it may take years, fossil fuels are a finite resource and will run out. Solar and other renewable power sources serve to reduce how much we rely on fossil fuels and the companies that control them. By embracing the sustainability of renewable resources such as solar energy, we are helping to provide a liveable environment for future generations.

Combating climate change: As more households and businesses switch to solar energy, the production of greenhouse gases from electricity will slow and every little bit will help protect the sustainability of our future.

Reduced carbon footprint: Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most effective sources of sustainable energy currently available and is a great way to reduce your household’s carbon footprint.

Bring Down Your Operating Cost: Operational expenses are those expenses which are related to the operation of a business, like electricity charges. Installing a solar power system can help you to reduce your operating cost. The cost per unit of your current electricity charges is likely to be much higher than what you would spend on solar power. This results in more savings for your business. Having a low operating cost will gain you more profitability for your business.

Reduce the cost of Workplace charge points by up to £14,000 with the government WCS grant.

Is your business eligible for the OLEV workplace charging scheme?

  • The grant can be accessed by any business, public authority or charity
  • Your business needs to have off-street parking
  • You’ll need to present a business need for EV charge points
  • You’ll need to have your installation carried out by an OLEV approved installer
  • You’ll receive up to £350 per socket – for 40 sockets in total

To get started simply give our friendly a team a call on 03332074227 or visit our website for  more information.

Solar panel systems have become an increasingly effective and savvy investment for homeowners, both new and old.

In 2022, it is common knowledge that you can make significant financial savings by installing solar panels into residential properties over several years. A large contributing factor to this is how much more affordable solar panels have become in recent years, with the costs for solar panels decreasing by over 95% since the year 2000.

On top of this, more advanced manufacturing techniques have also led to more compact and efficient panels. With these developments, it isn’t hard to see why more and more households are considering a solar installation.